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How much data do you need?Is a commonly asked question, use the graphics below as a guide

How much data do you need?


Data usage examples

The graphic below is designed as a guide line to indicate how much data you can use, especially if you are on a lower data plan. You can always ask your current provider, they should be able to tell you how much you are using. Remember you can also try our Product Selector as well.

Light usage

Light internet usage

Ideal for a single user, brilliant for web browsing, keeping in touch with your friends and family and sending lots of emails.

10GB is roughly enough data for any one of the following:

  • 500 Hours browsing
  • 2500 Music Tracks
  • 64 Hours streaming music
  • 32 Hours of Skype
  • 80 App downloads
  • 10 SD movie downloads
  • 5000 Emails

Heavy usage

Heavy internet usage

You are a professional that needs good connectivity for your work, exchanging documents and emails with other professionals, or you need a high-powered network for your home.

50GB is roughly enough data for any one of the following:

  • 2500 Hours browsing
  • 10,000 Music Tracks
  • 600 Hours streaming music
  • 300 Hours of Skype
  • 400 App Downloads
  • 50 SD Movie downloads
  • 20,000 Emails

Frequent usage

Frequent internet usage

Like to watch YouTube occasionally? exchange photos and documents. maybe facetime or skype friends & family.

25GB is roughly enough data for any one of the following:

  • 1250 Hours browsing
  • 6000 Music Tracks
  • 160 Hours streaming music
  • 80 Hours of Skype
  • 200 App Downloads
  • 25 SD Movie downloads
  • 10,000 Emails.

Very heavy usage

Very Heavy internet usage

You need a powerful network to connect 2-3 computers for professional use, and need good connectivity for lots of large emails.

100GB is roughly enough data for any one of the following:

  • 5000 Hours browsing
  • 25,000 Music Tracks
  • 650 Hours streaming music
  • 320 Hours of Skype
  • 800 App Downloads
  • 100 SD Movie downloads
  • 40,000 Emails

Choosing the right data package can be difficult. If your internet speed is less than 1Mb, then your current usage levels are governed more by the speed of your connection, rather than by how you would like to use your broadband. but with unlimited fibre and our huge Air-Wave data plans you dont need to worry.


Are you wondering what you can do to improve your broadband speed?

What is data usage?

Will your data usage increase?

How can I measure data usage

How can I reduce my data usage?

What is data usage?

Data usage is essentially any information you send or receive. This can apply to mobile devices in the form of a standard mobile contract, or it can include anything connected to the internet.

For instance, a standard mobile phone data package might only include the data used on that particular mobile device. Using additional USB tethering or mobile hotspots typically requires a separate data package, while a Satellite Broadband or 4G Broadband package uses only one consolidated data usage package.

While you don’t use data to make calls or send texts, you do use it to check emails, browse the internet, upload images, download apps or stream movies.

If you want truly unlimited data usage, check out our Fibre Broadband offers.

Will your data usage increase?

Once your Satellite Broadband or 4G Broadband service has been installed, it’s common that faster internet speeds will increase your internet usage. Not only are you more likely to view video clips, catch up on missed TV shows or download games, but as internet speeds increase and film quality continues to rise, internet data usage will increase over time regardless.

Our product packages for both Satellite Broadband and 4G Broadband will allow you to browse the internet, download movies, flick through social media, and stream Netflix without buffering or interruptions, from anywhere in the world!

With multiple data packages for 4G Broadband or Satellite Broadband, we’re sure to have the right one for you.

How can I measure data usage

It’s great to understand data usage and your data allowance, but how do you measure it?

  • Windows, has a built-in data usage monitoring system. Just head to “Settings” > “Network and Internet” > “Data Usage”, or just type “Data Usage” into the search box. You’ll see your usage over the last 30 days.
  • Mac, has a built-in data usage monitoring system. Just head to “Applications” > “Utilities” > Activity Monitor”, or just hit “CMD + Space” and type “Activity Monitor” into the search spotlight.
  • Mobile, almost all mobiles have data monitoring applications built in. While most phones differ depending on the OS and model, the built-in data monitoring can generally be found in a similar location. “Settings” > “Network and Internet” > “Data Usage”. If you still can’t find it, please refer to your owner’s manual.
  • Downloadable applications, There are a huge number of programs and apps you can download to monitor your data usage. Just check out the Play Store, iTunes Store, or the Microsoft Store.

How can I reduce my data usage?

Tips for any platform:

  • Switch browsers, either switch to your favourite browser’s ‘light’ version, or switch to Chrome, which compresses data on laptops and desktops.
  • Download your music instead of streaming, streaming music or videos use excess amounts of data. If you’re on a tight data budget, then it’s good idea to avoid it altogether. Some music apps allow offline music-playing options, where music can be downloaded in advance.
  • Video streaming quality, do you often stream YouTube or Netflix? Do you really need to watch in high definition quality, or do you stream in 4k when you don’t have a 4k TV?
  • Limiting background data, background data is one of the largest drains and you might not realise it’s being used. Email syncing, iCloud syncing, automatic software updates and apps such as Dropbox can use a huge amount of data. Only sync files and apps when it is necessary.
  • Disable auto-play on videos, videos automatically play on social media sites like Facebook, streaming sites like Netflix, and now even in Google results pages. All of these videos eat into your data allowance, which you can prevent by disabling their auto-play feature.

On Mobile

  • Set data alerts, no matter what type of operating system you use – whether it’s android, IOS or Windows – you’ll have access to a data usage app which notifies you when you’re nearing/passing your data limit.
  • GPS Location, turn off your GPS locator when you’re not using it.
  • Disable WIFI Assist, when trying to enhance your signal in poor reception areas, WIFI Assist can help, but uses a lot of data.
  • App data usage tracking, most mobile phones have app data usage programs built into their operating system. Make sure to keep an eye on data-hungry apps to prevent them consuming your data allowance.
  • Disable data usage, most phones have the built-in option to disable data usage. If you have access to WIFI, remember to turn it off!
  • Save webpages for use later, apps such as Pocket allow you to save offline copies of web pages, videos and articles to refer to later.

What happens if I go over my monthly data usage?

Unlike other internet providers, we aim to give you much higher data plans so you dont need to worry about over usage. Choose either our unlimited fibre or huge 1TB Air-Wave Service and never have to worry about over usage again.

Get Unlimited Fibre

Cheaper than the big Suppliers

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